
Arun C Murthy updated MAPREDUCE-279:

      Component/s: tasktracker
    Fix Version/s: 0.23.0
         Assignee: Arun C Murthy

h5. Proposal 

The fundamental idea of the re-factor is to divide the two major functions of 
the JobTracker, resource management and job scheduling/monitoring, into 
separate components: a generic resource scheduler and a per-job, user-defined 
component that manages the application execution. 

The new ResourceManager manages the global assignment of compute resources to 
applications and the per-application ApplicationMaster manages the 
application's scheduling and coordination. An application is either a single 
job in the classic MapReduce jobs or a DAG of such jobs. The ResourceManager 
and per-machine NodeManager server, which manages the user processes on that 
machine, form the computation fabric. The per-application ApplicationMaster is, 
in effect, a framework specific library and is tasked with negotiating 
resources from the ResourceManager and working with the NodeManager(s) to 
execute and monitor the tasks.

The ResourceManager is a pure scheduler in the sense that it performs no 
monitoring or tracking of status for the application. Also, it offers no 
guarantees on restarting failed tasks either due to application failure or 
hardware failures.

The ResourceManager performs its scheduling function based the resource 
requirements of the applications; each application has multiple resource 
request types that represent the resources required for containers. The 
resource requests include memory, CPU, disk, network etc. Note that this is a 
significant change from the current model of fixed-type slots in Hadoop 
MapReduce, which leads to significant negative impact on cluster utilization. 
The ResourceManager has a scheduler policy plug-in, which is responsible for 
partitioning the cluster resources among various queues, applications etc. 
Scheduler plug-ins can be based, for e.g., on the current CapacityScheduler and 

The NodeManager is the per-machine framework agent who is responsible for 
launching the applications' containers, monitoring their resource usage (cpu, 
memory, disk, network) and reporting the same to the Scheduler.

The per-application ApplicationMaster has the responsibility of negotiating 
appropriate resource containers from the Scheduler, launching tasks, tracking 
their status & monitoring for progress, handling task-failures and recovering 
from saved state on an ResourceManager fail-over.

Since downtime is more expensive at scale high-availability is built-in from 
the beginning via Apache ZooKeeper for the ResourceManager and HDFS checkpoint 
for the MapReduce ApplicationMaster. Security and multi-tenancy support is 
critical to support many users on the larger clusters. The new architecture 
will also increase innovation and agility by allowing for user-defined versions 
of MapReduce runtime. Support for generic resource requests will increase 
cluster utilization by removing artificial bottlenecks such as 
hard-partitioning of resources into map and reduce slots.


We have a *prototype* we'd like to commit to a branch soon, where we look 
forward to feedback. From there on, we would love to collaborate to get it 
committed to trunk.

> Map-Reduce 2.0
> --------------
>                 Key: MAPREDUCE-279
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAPREDUCE-279
>             Project: Hadoop Map/Reduce
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: jobtracker, tasktracker
>            Reporter: Arun C Murthy
>            Assignee: Arun C Murthy
>             Fix For: 0.23.0
> We, at Yahoo!, have been using Hadoop-On-Demand as the resource 
> provisioning/scheduling mechanism. 
> With HoD the user uses a self-service system to ask-for a set of nodes. HoD 
> allocates these from a global pool and also provisions a private Map-Reduce 
> cluster for the user. She then runs her jobs and shuts the cluster down via 
> HoD when done. All user-private clusters use the same humongous, static HDFS 
> (e.g. 2k node HDFS). 
> More details about HoD are available here: HADOOP-1301.
> ----
> h3. Motivation
> The current deployment (Hadoop + HoD) has a couple of implications:
>  * _Non-optimal Cluster Utilization_
>    1. Job-private Map-Reduce clusters imply that the user-cluster potentially 
> could be *idle* for atleast a while before being detected and shut-down.
>    2. Elastic Jobs: Map-Reduce jobs, typically, have lots of maps with 
> much-smaller no. of reduces; with maps being light and quick and reduces 
> being i/o heavy and longer-running. Users typically allocate clusters 
> depending on the no. of maps (i.e. input size) which leads to the scenario 
> where all the maps are done (idle nodes in the cluster) and the few reduces 
> are chugging along. Right now, we do not have the ability to shrink the 
> HoD'ed Map-Reduce clusters which would alleviate this issue. 
>  * _Impact on data-locality_
> With the current setup of a static, large HDFS and much smaller (5/10/20/50 
> node) clusters there is a good chance of losing one of Map-Reduce's primary 
> features: ability to execute tasks on the datanodes where the input splits 
> are located. In fact, we have seen the data-local tasks go down to 20-25 
> percent in the GridMix benchmarks, from the 95-98 percent we see on the 
> randomwriter+sort runs run as part of the hadoopqa benchmarks (admittedly a 
> synthetic benchmark, but yet). Admittedly, HADOOP-1985 (rack-aware 
> Map-Reduce) helps significantly here.
> ----
> Primarily, the notion of *job-level scheduling* leading to private clusers, 
> as opposed to *task-level scheduling*, is a good peg to hang-on the majority 
> of the blame.
> Keeping the above factors in mind, here are some thoughts on how to 
> re-structure Hadoop Map-Reduce to solve some of these issues.
> ----
> h3. State of the Art
> As it exists today, a large, static, Hadoop Map-Reduce cluster (forget HoD 
> for a bit) does provide task-level scheduling; however as it exists today, 
> it's scalability to tens-of-thousands of user-jobs, per-week, is in question.
> Lets review it's current architecture and main components:
>  * JobTracker: It does both *task-scheduling* and *task-monitoring* 
> (tasktrackers send task-statuses via periodic heartbeats), which implies it 
> is fairly loaded. It is also a _single-point of failure_ in the Map-Reduce 
> framework i.e. its failure implies that all the jobs in the system fail. This 
> means a static, large Map-Reduce cluster is fairly susceptible and a definite 
> suspect. Clearly HoD solves this by having per-job clusters, albeit with the 
> above drawbacks.
>  * TaskTracker: The slave in the system which executes one task at-a-time 
> under directions from the JobTracker.
>  * JobClient: The per-job client which just submits the job and polls the 
> JobTracker for status. 
> ----
> h3. Proposal - Map-Reduce 2.0 
> The primary idea is to move to task-level scheduling and static Map-Reduce 
> clusters (so as to maintain the same storage cluster and compute cluster 
> paradigm) as a way to directly tackle the two main issues illustrated above. 
> Clearly, we will have to get around the existing problems, especially w.r.t. 
> scalability and reliability.
> The proposal is to re-work Hadoop Map-Reduce to make it suitable for a large, 
> static cluster. 
> Here is an overview of how its main components would look like:
>  * JobTracker: Turn the JobTracker into a pure task-scheduler, a global one. 
> Lets call this the *JobScheduler* henceforth. Clearly (data-locality aware) 
> Maui/Moab are  candidates for being the scheduler, in which case, the 
> JobScheduler is just a thin wrapper around them. 
>  * TaskTracker: These stay as before, without some minor changes as 
> illustrated later in the piece.
>  * JobClient: Fatten up the JobClient my putting a lot more intelligence into 
> it. Enhance it to talk to the JobTracker to ask for available TaskTrackers 
> and then contact them to schedule and monitor the tasks. So we'll have lots 
> of per-job clients talking to the JobScheduler and the relevant TaskTrackers 
> for their respective jobs, a big change from today. Lets call this the 
> *JobManager* henceforth. 
> A broad sketch of how things would work: 
> h4. Deployment
> There is a single, static, large Map-Reduce cluster, and no per-job clusters.
> Essentially there is one global JobScheduler with thousands of independent 
> TaskTrackers, each running on one node.
> As mentioned previously, the JobScheduler is a pure task-scheduler. When 
> contacted by per-job JobManagers querying for TaskTrackers to run their tasks 
> on, the JobTracker takes into the account the job priority, data-placements 
> (HDFS blocks), current-load/capacity of the TaskTrackers and gives the 
> JobManager a free slot for the task(s) in question, if available.
> Each TaskTracker periodically updates the master JobScheduler with 
> information about the currently running tasks and available free-slots. It 
> waits for the per-job JobManager to contact it for free-slots (which abide 
> the JobScheduler's directives) and status for currently-running tasks (of 
> course, the JobManager knows exactly which TaskTrackers it needs to talk to).
> The fact that the JobScheduler is no longer doing the heavy-lifting of 
> monitoring tasks (like the current JobTracker), and hence the jobs, is the 
> key differentiator, which is why it should be very light-weight. (Thus, it is 
> even conceivable to imagine a hot-backup of the JobScheduler, topic for 
> another discussion.)
> h4. Job Execution
> Here is how the job-execution work-flow looks like:
>     * User submits a job,
>     * The JobClient, as today, validates inputs, computes the input splits 
> etc.
>     * Rather than submit the job to the JobTracker which then runs it, the 
> JobClient now dons the role of the JobManager as described above (of course 
> they could be two independent processes working in conjunction with the 
> other... ). The JobManager pro-actively works with the JobScheduler and the 
> TaskTrackers to execute the job. While there are more tasks to run for the 
> still-running job, it contacts the JobScheduler to get 'n' free slots and 
> schedules m tasks (m <= n) on the given TaskTrackers (slots). The JobManager 
> also monitors the tasks by contacting the relevant TaskTrackers (it knows 
> which of the TaskTrackers are running its tasks). 
> h4. Brownie Points
>  *  With Map-Reduce v2.0, we get reliability/scalability of the current 
> (Map-Reduce + HoD) architecture.
>  * We get elastic jobs for free since there is no concept of private clusters 
> and clearly JobManagers do not need to hold on to the map-nodes when they are 
> done.
>  * We do get data-locality across all jobs, big or small, since there are no 
> off-limit DataNodes (i.e. DataNodes outside the private cluster) for a 
> Map-Reduce cluster, as today.
>  * From an architectural standpoint, each component in the system (sans the 
> global scheduler) is nicely independent and impervious of the other:
>   ** A JobManager is responsible for one and only one job, loss of a 
> JobManager affects only one job.
>   ** A TaskTracker manages only one node, it's loss affects only one node in 
> the cluster. 
>   ** No user-code runs in the JobScheduler since it's a pure scheduler.
>  * We can run all of the user-code (input/output formats, split calculation, 
> task-output promotion etc.) from the JobManager since it is, by definition, 
> the user-client. 
> h4. Points to Ponder
>  * Given that the JobScheduler, is very light-weight, could we have a 
> hot-backup for HA?
>  * Discuss the notion of a rack-level aggregator of TaskTracker statuses i.e. 
> rather than have every TaskTracker update the JobScheduler, a rack-level 
> aggregator could achieve the same?
>  * We could have the notion of a JobManager being the proxy process running 
> inside the cluster for the JobClient (the job-submitting program which is 
> running outside the colo e.g. user's dev box) ... in fact we can think of the 
> JobManager being *another kind of task* which needs to be scheduled to run at 
> a TaskTracker. 
>  * Task Isolation via separate vms (vmware/xen) rather than just separate 
> jvms?
> h4. How do we get to Map-Reduce 2.0?
> At the risk of sounding hopelessly optimistic, we probably do not have to 
> work too much to get here.
>  * Clearly the main changes come in the JobTracker/JobClient where we _move_ 
> the pieces which monitor the job's tasks' progress into the 
> JobScheduler/JobManager.
>  * We also need to enhance the JobClient (as the JobManager) to get it to 
> talk to the JobTracker (JobScheduler) to query for the empty slots, which 
> might not be available!
>  * Then we need to add RPCs to get the JobClient (JobManager) to talk to the 
> given TaskTrackers to get them to run the tasks, thus reversing the direction 
> of current RPCs needed to start a task (now the TaskTracker asks the 
> JobTracker for tasks to run); we also need new RPCs for the JobClient 
> (JobManager) to talk to the TaskTracker to query it's tasks' statuses.
>  * We leave the current heartbeat mechanism from the TaskTracker to the 
> JobTracker (JobScheduler) as-is, sans the task-statuses. 
> h4. Glossary
>  * JobScheduler - The global, task-scheduler which is today's JobTracker 
> minus the code for tracking/monitoring jobs and their tasks. A pure scheduler.
>  * JobManager - The per-job manager which is wholly responsible for working 
> with the JobScheduler and TaskTrackers to schedule it's tasks and track their 
> progress till job-completion (success/failure). Simplistically it is the 
> current JobClient plus the enhancements to enable it to talk to the 
> JobScheduler and TaskTrackers for running/monitoring the tasks. 
> ----
> h3. Tickets for the Gravy-Train ride
> Eric has started a discussion about generalizing Hadoop to support non-MR 
> tasks, a discussion which has surfaced a few times on our lists, at 
> HADOOP-2491. 
> He notes:
> {quote}
> Our primary goal in going this way would be to get better utilization out of 
> map-reduce clusters and support a richer scheduling model. The ability to 
> support alternative job frameworks would just be gravy!
> Putting this in as a place holder. Hope to get folks talking about this to 
> post some more detail.
> {quote}
> This is the start of the path to the promised gravy-land. *smile*
> We believe Map-Reduce 2.0 is a good start in moving most (if not all) of the 
> Map-Reduce specific code into the user-clients (i.e. JobManager) and taking a 
> shot at generalizing the JobTracker (as the JobScheduler) and the TaskTracker 
> to handle more generic tasks via different (smarter/dumber) user-clients.
> ----
> Thoughts?

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