>From a scalability perspective, you will always have a finite limit of RAM
available. Without knowing much about HBase, I can't tell whether this is
the only way you can accomplish your goal or not. But a basic maxim to
follow is, "Using O(N) space in your reducer is guaranteed to overflow for
some dataset size." In your code, you buffer up values in your inner loop
and write them all together at the very end. You want to process each record
in your inner iterator loop in isolation; the context.write() call should
occur in there, and then you should build a new Set. You may need to
redesign other aspects of your system to expect data to be on adjacent HBase
rows rather than in a single set.

I hope this helps,
- Aaron

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 4:43 AM, <yin_hong...@emc.com> wrote:

>  Hi, all
> I am a newbie to hadoop and just begin to play it recent days. I am trying
> to write a mapreduce program to parse a large dataset (about 20G) to
> abstract object id and store to HBase table. The issue is there is one
> keyword which associates with several million object id. Here is my first
> reduce program.
> *<program1>*
> *public* *class* MyReducer *extends* TableReducer<Writable, Writable,
> Writable> {
>     @Override
>     *public* *void* reduce(Writable key, Iterable<Writable> objectids,
> Context context)
>            *throws* IOException, InterruptedException {
>           Set<String> objectIDs = new HashSet<String>();
>        Put put = *new* Put(((ImmutableBytesWritable) key).get());
>        *byte*[] family = Bytes.*toBytes*("oid");
>         *for* (Writable objid : objectids) {
>               objectIDs.add(((Text)objid)).toString());
>         }
>           put.add(family, null, Bytes.*toBytes*(objectIDs.toString());
> context.write((ImmutableBytesWritable) key, put);
>     }
> }
> In this program, the reduce failed because of the java heap “out of memory”
> issue. A rough counting show that the several million object id consumes
> about 900M heap if loading them all into a Set at one time. So I implements
> the reduce in another way:
> * *
> *<program2>*
> *public* *class* IndexReducer *extends* TableReducer<Writable, Writable,
> Writable> {
>     @Override
>     *public* *void* reduce(Writable key, Iterable<Writable> values,
> Context context)
>            *throws* IOException, InterruptedException {
>        Put put = *new* Put(((ImmutableBytesWritable) key).get());
>        *byte*[] family = Bytes.*toBytes*("oid");
>        *for* (Writable objid : values) {
>            put.add(family, Bytes.*toBytes*(((Text) objid).toString()),
> Bytes
>                   .*toBytes*(((Text) objid).toString()));
>        }
>        context.write((ImmutableBytesWritable) key, put);
>     }
> }
> This time, the reduce still failed as a result of “reduce time out” issue.
> I doubled the reduce time-out. Then, “Out of memory” happened. Error log
> shows the put.add() throws “Out of memory” error.
> By the way, there are totally 18 datanode in the hadoop/hbase environment.
> The number of reduce tasks is 50.
> So, my question is how to handle large volume reduce input value in
> mapreduce program. Increase memory? I don’t think it is a reasonable option.
> Increase reduce task number?.........
> Sigh, I totally have no any clue. What’s your suggestion?
> Best Regards,
> HB

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