
2010/11/25 Shai Erera <ser...@gmail.com>:
> Is there a way to make MapReduce create exactly N Mappers? More
> specifically, if say my data can be split to 200 Mappers, and I have only
> 100 cores, how can I ensure only 100 Mappers will be created? The number of
> cores is not something I know in advance, so writing a special InputFormat
> might be tricky, unless I can query Hadoop for the available # of cores (in
> the entire cluster).

You can configure on a node by node basis how many map and reduce
tasks can be started by the task tracker on that node.
This is done via the conf/mapred-site.xml using these two settings:

Have a look at this page for more information

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Niels Basjes

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