See also which has
a patch for this issue.


On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:13 PM, jason <> wrote:
> I am attaching the originals so you could figure out the diffs on your own :)
> On 5/2/11, Dmitriy Lyubimov <> wrote:
>> Thanks a bunch!
>> (is there any chance you could do a diff only ? )
>> -d
>> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 4:47 PM, jason <> wrote:
>>> Dmitriy,
>>> I remember I had the same problem with local jobs when I tried to
>>> debug my multi-reducer use cases. So had to create this small patch
>>> that resolves the issue.
>>> You can put these classes into org.apache.hadoop.mapred package in
>>> your local project and make sure they preceed Hadoop's jars in the
>>> class path.
>>> My patch is based on Cloudera 0.20.2+320 release.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> On 5/2/11, Dmitriy Lyubimov <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i was trying to create a test based on mapreduce job in a local mode
>>>> testing various partitioning issues.
>>>> But curiously, whenever i switch mapreduce into local node, i can't
>>>> seem to be able to configure multiple reduce tasks.
>>>> Indeed, upon some investigation i found that the following fragment in
>>>> LocalJobRunner resets all reducers to 1 :
>>>> /* 177 */         int numReduceTasks = this.job.getNumReduceTasks();
>>>> /* 178 */         if ((numReduceTasks > 1) || (numReduceTasks < 0))
>>>> /*     */         {
>>>> /* 180 */           numReduceTasks = 1;
>>>> /* 181 */           this.job.setNumReduceTasks(1);
>>>> /*     */         }
>>>> /* 183 */         outputCommitter.setupJob(jContext);
>>>> /* 184 */         this.status.setSetupProgress(1.0F);
>>>> /*     */
>>>> /* 186 */         Map mapOutputFiles = new HashMap();
>>>> /*     */
>>>> Is this a fundamental limitation of the local mapreduce mode? what if
>>>> i need to write up a unit test that checks various partitioning
>>>> functions? Is there a workaround?
>>>> Also, i don't remember these problems when writing tests based on
>>>> local mapreduce in previous versions (this is cdh3b4) , although i
>>>> cannot be sure if i ran into exactly same situation before.
>>>> thanks.
>>>> -Dmitriy

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