yes, it works for me! I sincerely appreciate your help! thanks!

At 2011-07-26 17:19:34,"Harsh J" <> wrote:
>Ah wait, guess I figured your problem -- you may not be reutilizing
>the Configuration instance inside your mapper.
>Override the configure() method in your mapper and get the value out
>of the configuration instance passed to the mapper instead of
>instantiating a new one (with defaults).
>2011/7/26 rabbit_cheng <>:
>> In my map function, I  need to know the number of reducer, the code segment
>> in my program like this:
>>    JobConf job = new JobConf(driverClass.class);
>>     int numReducer=job.getNumReduceTasks();
>> but the function invocation job.getNumReduceTasks() always returns the value
>> of "1". I have tested many times: In driver function, I set the number of
>> reducer to 2 using the following statements:
>>     JobConf job =new JobConf(driverClass.class);
>>     job.setNumReduceTasks(2);
>> As a result, the reducers' output file number is 2, so I know the
>> statements above worked, but what I get in map function is still to be "1".
>> How can I get the right number of reducer in map function? thanks!
>Harsh J

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