Yes, that way it could work.
I'm just wondering ... Why would you want to have a script like this in

Met vriendelijk groet,

Niels Basjes
Op 16 aug. 2011 06:49 schreef "Friso van Vollenhoven" <> het volgende:
> hadoop fs -cat /path/on/hdfs/ | bash
> Should work (if you use bash).
> Does anyone have access to HDFS or do you use HDFS permissions? Executing
arbitrary stuff that comes out of a network filesystem is not always a good
idea from a security perspective.
> Friso
> On 15 aug. 2011, at 23:51, Kadu canGica Eduardo wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i'm trying without success to execute a shell script that is inside the
HDFS. Is this possible? If it is, how can i do this?
> >
> > Since ever, thanks.
> > Carlos.

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