If a TaskTracker is lost then it cannot serve up any Map results to Reducers 
that will need them so the Map tasks have to be rerun.  I am not sure if this 
is the behavior you are seeing or not.  Are completed Reducers being rerun as 

--Bobby Evans

On 9/29/11 11:15 AM, "Leonardo Gamas" <leoga...@jusbrasil.com.br> wrote:


I have a very large MapReduce Job and sometimes a TaskTracker doesn't send a 
heartbeat in the preconfigured amount of time, so it's considered dead. It's 
ok, but all tasks already finished by this TaskTracker are lost too, or better 
explained, are rescheduled and re-executed by another TaskTracker.

This is a default behavior or i'm experiencing some bug or miss configuration?

My reguards,

Leonardo Gamas

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