> Is the configured amount of tasks for reuse a suggestion or will it actually
> use it?  For example, if I’ve configured it to use a JVM for 4 tasks, will a
> TaskTracker that has 8 tasks to process use 2 JVMs?  Or does it decide if it
> actually wants to reuse one up to the maximum configured number?

It will launch mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum +
mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum JVMs. If a job has more than
that many tasks for that task tracker, it will then reuse those.

> Will a TaskTracker use the same JVM for tasks from different jobs?  Related
> to this, will a TaskTracker idle a JVM until it has enough tasks to fit the
> maximum JVM reuse variable?

It will not reuse JVMs across jobs. When the job finishes, all task
JVMs will be shutdown.


Joseph Echeverria
Cloudera, Inc.

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