Have you looked into bulk imports? You can write your data into HDFS
and then run a MapReduce job to generate the files that HBase uses to
serve data. After the job finishes, there's a utility to copy the
files into HBase's directory and your data is visible. Check out
http://hbase.apache.org/bulk-loads.html for details.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Andreas Reiter <a.rei...@web.de> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> we have the following scenario:
> our clustered web application needs to write records to hbase, we need to
> support a very high throughput, we expect up to 10-30 thousends requests per
> second and may be even more
> so usually it is not a problem for HBase, if we use a "random" row key; in
> this case the data is distributed between all region servers equally
> but, we need to generate our keys based on the current time, so we are able
> to run MR jobs for a period of time without processing the whole data, using
>  scan.setStartRow(stopRow);
>  scan.setStopRow(startRow);
> in our case the generated row keys look similar and are there for going to
> the same region server... so this approach is not really using the power of
> the whole cluster, but only one server, which can be dangerous in case of a
> very high load
> so, we are thinking about writing the records first to a HDFS file, and run
> additionally a MR job periodically to read the finnished HDFS files and
> insert the records to HBase
> what do you guys think about it? any suggestions would be very appreciated
> regards
> andre

Joseph Echeverria
Cloudera, Inc.

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