Looks you are getting HDFS-2553.

The cause might be that, you cleared the datadirectories directly without DN 
restart. Workaround would be to restart DNs.




From: Stephen Boesch [java...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 8:53 PM
To: mapreduce-user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: MRv2 DataNode problem: isBPServiceAlive invoked order of 200K 
times per second

Update on this:  I've shut down all the servers multiple times.  Also cleared 
the data directories and reformatted the namenode. Restarted it and the same 
results: 100% cpu and millions of these calls to isBPServiceAlive.

2011/11/29 Stephen Boesch <java...@gmail.com<mailto:java...@gmail.com>>
I am just trying to get off the ground with MRv2.  The first node (in pseudo 
distributed mode)  is working fine - ran a couple of TeraSort's on it.

The second node has a serious issue with its single DataNode: it consumes 100% 
of one of the CPU's.  Looking at it through JVisualVM, there are over 8 million 
invocations of isBPServiceAlive in a matter of a minute or so and  continually 
incrementing at a steady clip.   A screenshot of the JvisualVM cpu profile - 
showing just shy of 8M invocations is attached.

What kind of configuration error could lead to this?  The conf/masters and 
conf/slaves simply say localhost.   If need be I'll copy the *-site.xml's.  
They are boilerplate from the Cloudera page by Ahmed Radwan.

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