Correction not mapred.num.reduce.tasks but mapred.reduce.tasks . :)

On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Bejoy Ks <> wrote:

> Hi experts
>              I have a query with the job.xml file in map reduce.I set some
> value in mapred-site.xml and *marked as final*, say
> mapred.num.reduce.tasks=15. When I submit my job I explicitly specified the
> number of reducers as -D mapred.num.reduce.tasks=4. Now as expected my my
> job should run with 15 reducers as I marked this value as final in my
> config file. Now what would be the value that would be available for
> mapred.num.reduce.tasks *in job.xml*,  15 or 4 ?
> Thank you
> Regards
> Bejoy.K.S

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