Hi Tan,

On 12-Dec-2011, at 8:48 AM, Tan Jun wrote:

> Hi,
> I dont really understand the meaning of the sentences in "The Definitive 
> Guide"(page 155):
> Tasktrackers have a fixed number of slots for map tasks and for reduce tasks: 
> for example,
> a tasktracker may be able to run two map tasks and two reduce tasks 
> simultaneously.
> (The precise number depends on the number of cores and the amount of
> memory on the tasktracker; see “Memory” on page 254.)
> Does that mean the number of slots is fixed and the number of maps run 
> simultaneously is set by user?

Not by the user, but by the administrator. Each tasktracker is configured in 
production with a 'task slot' upper limit - say, 8 maps and 4 reducers for a 
12-core machine. This is not auto-configured (unless you use auto cluster 
setup+configuration tools that determine it for you [0]), and has to be set 
when configuring Hadoop daemons.

The book means to imply that you need to set these, based on the memory and CPU 
configuration of your machines. By default, tasktrackers have limits of 2+2.

See http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/LimitingTaskSlotUsage

[0] - http://www.cloudera.com/products-services/tools/ is one.

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