Hi all,

I have to implement BillingEngine using MR jobs. My usecase is like this:
I will be having data files of format <TimeStamp> <Information for Billing>.
Now these datafiles will be containing timestamp either at minute interval, 
hour inverval, day interval, month interval, year interval. Every type of 
interval will be having different type of calculation for billing so basically 
different jobs for every type of interval.

Suppose I have a data file which contain minute interval timestamp. I have a 
scenario that if data is present for hours , then it should be processed by 
hourly job and remaining will be processed by minutejob.

Example :

2/10/12 6:40 AM <data for billing>
2/10/12 6:40 AM <data for billing>
2/10/12 6:45 AM <data for billing>
2/10/12 6:45 AM <data for billing>
2/10/12 7:40 AM <data for billing>
2/10/12 7:40 AM <data for billing>
2/10/12 7:45 AM <data for billing>
2/10/12 7:45 AM <data for billing>

Now I want data between 2/10/12 6:40 AM to 2/10/12 7:40 AM is processed by 
Hourjob and 2/10/12 7:45 AM is processed by MinuteJob.
Please suggest how to design my MR to achieve this.



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