Joey, here is the information: Cluster Summary (Heap Size is 481.88 MB/1.74 
GB)Maps Reduces Total Submissions Nodes Map Task Capacity Reduce Task Capacity 
Avg. Tasks/Node Blacklisted Nodes 
0        6             11                          3         42                 
          42                                 28.00                   0   

 Subject: Re: Why most of the free reduce slots are NOT used for my Hadoop 
Jobs? Thanks.
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 07:00:26 -0500

What does the jobtracker web page say is the total reduce capacity?

On Mar 10, 2012, at 5:39, WangRamon <> wrote:

Hi All
I'm using Hadoop-0.20-append, the cluster contains 3 nodes, for each node I 
have 14 map and 14 reduce slots, here is the configuration:

When I submit 5 Jobs simultane
 ously (the input data for each job is not so big for the test, it's about 2~5M 
in size), I assume the Jobs will use the slots as much as possible, each Job 
did created 73 Reduce Tasks as configured above, so there will be 5 * 73 Reduce 
Tasks in total, but, most of them are in pending state, only about 12 of them 
are running, it's too small compared to the total slots number for reduce, 42 
reduce slots for the 3 nodes cluster. 
What interestring is that it always about 12 of them are running, I tried a few 
So, I thought it might because about the scheduler, I changed it to Fair 
Scheduler, I created 3 pools, the configure is as below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <pool name="pool-a">
 <pool name="pool
 <pool name="pool-c">
Then I submit the 5 Jobs simultaneously to these pools randomly again, I can 
see the jobs were assigned to different pools, but, it's still the same problem 
only about 12 of the reduce tasks from different pool are running, here is the 
output i copied from the Fair Scheduler monitor GUI:
pool-a 2 14 14 0 9
pool-b 0 14 14 0 0 
pool-c 2 14 14 0 3 
pool-a and pool-c have a total of 12 reduce tasks running, but I do have about 
11 reduce slots at least available in my cluster.
So can anyone
  please give me some suggestions, why NOT all my REDUCE SLOTS are working? 
Thanks in advance. 

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