Hm. doesn't seem to work for me (with cdh3u3)
I defined

export HADOOP_TASKTRACKER_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=/usr/...."

and it doesn't seem to work (as opposed to when i set is with <final>
property on the data node).

Still puzzling.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 7:17 PM, George Datskos
<> wrote:
> Dmitriy,
> I just double-checked, and the caveat I stated earlier is incorrect.  So,
>  "-Djava.library.path" set in the client's {} should
> just append to to the "-Djava.library.path" that each TaskTracker has when
> creating the library path for each child (M/R) task.  So that's even better
> I guess.
> George
> On 2012/03/28 11:06, George Datskos wrote:
>> Dmitriy,
>> To deal with different servers having various shared libraries in
>> different locations, you can simply make sure the _TaskTracker_'s
>> -Djava.library.path is set correctly on each server.  That library path
>> should be passed along to each child (M/R) task.  (in *addition* to the
>> {} that you specify on the client-side configuration
>> options)
>> One caveat: on the client-side, don't include "-Djava.library.path" or
>> that path will be passed along to all of the child tasks, overriding
>> site-specific one you set on the TaskTracker.
>> George
>> On 2012/03/28 10:43, Dmitriy Lyubimov wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a couple of questions regarding mapreduce configurations.
>>> We install various platforms on data nodes that require mixed set of
>>> native libraries.
>>> Part of the problem is that in general case, this software platforms
>>> may be installed into different locations in the backend. (we try to
>>> unify it, but still). What it means, it may require site-specific
>>> -Djava.library.path setting.
>>> I configured individual jvm options ( on each
>>> node to include specific set of paths. However, i encountered 2
>>> problems:
>>> #1: my setting doesn't go into effect unless I also declare it final
>>> in the data node. It's just being overriden by default -Xmx200 value
>>> from the driver  EVEN when i don't set it on the driver at all (and
>>> there seems to be no way to unset it).
>>> However, using "final" spec at the backend creates  a problem if some
>>> of numerous jobs we run wishes to override the setting still. The
>>> ideal behavior is if i don't set it in the driver, then backend value
>>> kicks in, otherwise it's driver's value. But i did not find a way to
>>> do that for this particular setting for some reason.Could somebody
>>> clarify the best workaround? thank you.
>>> #2. Ideal behavior would actually be to merge driver-specific and
>>> backend-specific settings. E.g. backend may need to configure specific
>>> software package locations while client may wish sometimes to set heap
>>> etc. Is there a best practice to achieve this effect?
>>> Thank you very much in advance.
>>> -Dmitriy

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