
Though it is possible to 'hint' this by tweaking the InputSplits
passed from the job, the default schedulers of Hadoop do not make any
such guarantees and hence this isn't possible unless you write your
own complete scheduler, an exercise that wouldn't suit production
deployments unless you also test your scheduler intensively for other
types of workloads.

Why do you even need such a thing? For processing purposes or
otherwise? I'm hoping its not a monitoring sort of hack you're trying
to do.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 5:55 AM, Luiz Carlos Muniz <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to ensure the execution of a map on all nodes of a
> clusterin a way that each node run the map once and only once. That is, I
> would use Hadoop to execute a method on all nodes in the cluster. Without
> the possibility that the method execute twice in the same node even if
> another node fails.
> I already set  to 1 and
> to 1 but still, if a node fails, another node that
> has
> carried out a map before run the map again to meet the absence of which
> failed.
> Luiz Carlos Melo Muniz
> Luiz Carlos Melo Muniz

Harsh J

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