Hi all,

I am a PhD student at DERI, NUI Galway, Ireland. My main area of research is in 
investigating social and socio-technical relationship among developers in open 
source projects. For my research, i am extracting information from various 
software repositories (source code, mailing list archives, bug tracking systems 
etc.) of open source projects. As part of this study, i have selected 15 
different Apache projects including Hadoop project. While downloading Hadoop 
MapReduce bugs data in XML format from the issue tracker i have found that i 
can not download more than 1000 bugs for a particular project [1]. I have the 
same issue with other Hadoop sub-projects.

I would like to know if someone can help me in getting a complete dump of bugs 
data which would be helpful for me in carrying out my research. Your 
cooperation is highly appreciated.

thanks and looking forward for your kind response.
Aftab Iqbal


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