Hi Robert

It could be because there are no free slots available in your cluster during 
job submission time to launch those tasks. Some other tasks may have already 
occupied the map/reduce slots. 

When you experience this random issue please  verify whether there are free 
task slots available.

Bejoy KS

Sent from handheld, please excuse typos.

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Dyer <psyb...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 23:03:02 
To: <mapreduce-user@hadoop.apache.org>
Reply-To: mapreduce-user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Jobs randomly not starting

I'm using Hadoop 1.0.3 on a small cluster (1 namenode, 1 jobtracker, 2
compute nodes).  My input size is a sequence file of around 280mb.

Generally, my jobs run just fine and all finish in 2-5 minutes.  However,
quite randomly the jobs refuse to run.  They submit and appear when running
'hadoop job -list' but don't appear on the jobtracker's webpage.  If I
manually type in the job ID on the webpage I can see it is trying to run
the setup task - the map tasks haven't even started.  I've left them to run
and even after several minutes it is still in this state.

When I spot this, I kill the job and resubmit it and generally it works.

A couple of times I have seen similar problems with reduce tasks that get
stuck while 'initializing'.

Any ideas?

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