Susheel Kumar Gadalay <skgadalay@...> writes:

> Hi,
> I have a question.
> How do I selectively open port range for Hadoop Yarn App Master on a cluster.
> I have seen the jira issue in
> fixed in version 0.23.2 and accordingly downloaded the latest version
> 2.4.1.
> I have added the following property in mapred-site.xml
>         <property>
>                 <name></name>
>                 <value>50100-50200</value>
>         </property>
> and accordingly opened the port range 50100-50200 in iptables.
> After submitting the hadoop job it is using the port 50100 but it is
> also using one ephemeral port for IPC server.
> I have noticed different ephemeral ports used for IPC server for each
> job submission.
> Pl let me know what property can be set to restrict this random port range.
> Thanks
> Susheel Kumar


I have the same kind of problems.
I added theses values into yarn-site.xml also the error is not exactly the
same when adding this property in this file but the map/reduce job is
failing because the connection is done on other ports (not in the range) and
closed by a firewall rule.
I think there is an issue on the map/reduce hadoop truck 2.4 or 2.4.1

Let me know if you got more information on this issue.


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