Colin Wetherbee schreef:

I would like my first step to be putting a static image on a web site. The image would be generated by Perl and returned to the browser as a simple image/png.

The method I have in mind follows.

Each user has a set of airports and routes with which they are concerned. This set of airports and routes could change as frequently as every 30 seconds. So, for each map generation request, I would dynamically create a map file and store it as TEXT in my PostgreSQL database, along with some unique ID. Then, I would output an <img /> tag to the browser that includes the unique ID of this dynamically-generated map file:
Interesting approach. But you could also try:,layer2,layer3&User=MyUser&Airport=1,5,23,56&airline=KLM&;......

The mapfile is able to read user variables; this means

that the value MyUser that is in the variable User can be addressed in the mapfile with %User%

Thus making it possible to have a layer that builds it's content from a postGIS query dynamically like:

SELECT(THE GEOM) FROM Airports where ActiveUser=%User

This way you don't need to store mapfiles in the database and let the form-variables in your webpage feed the dynamic content of the map.

Read the topic on

The time stamp can also be set on a layer through a variable like this.

<img src="/foo/" /> sees id=1234, pulls map file 1234 out of the database, uses the MapServer back-end to generate a map, then outputs this map as an image/png. I think ends up being pretty simple: create a mapserver object, pipe the map file text to it, and get the png it generates. Is that it, or am I thinking too narrowly here?

I may include a time stamp, too, so I can expire map files after some length of inactivity.

Does this sound about right?

Thanks for your help. :)

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