Neil Best wrote:

>Maria Panagou wrote:
>> I am wondering if it is possible to setup a WMS server with Mapserver,
>> that will serve layers in more than one map projection. For example it it
>> possible to declare at MAP level such a PROJECTION declaration?
>>      "init=epsg:900913"
>>      "init=epsg:4326"
>>   END

> Maria, my understanding is that the projection(s) that you want to advertise
for your service should be listed in the WEB stanza METADATA block with the
"wms_srs" tag.  If you use a MAP-level projection and no wms_srs metadata
then your service will advertise that single projection.  If wms_srs is
defined then the MAP-level PROJECTION simply becomes a default for Mapserver
to apply to your data sources.  See the WMS Server HOWTO for more details:

For example the following excerpt works for me and gives three alternative 
projections for WMS.  Take care of using white space as separator and upper 
case EPSG in "wms_srs"

    IMAGEPATH "m:/ms4w/apps/data/"
    IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"
      "wms_srs"    "EPSG:3067 EPSG:2393 EPSG:4326"

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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