It works!!!

Paths don't need C:/ in front!
Thank you.

O/H Robert Sanson έγραψε:
Here is how I reference paths in Mapserver under Windows: # this is the real filepath to the temp dir for intermediate file creation
  IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/"
THis works for me. Kind regards, Robert Sanson

>>> Guillaume Sueur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 21/05/2008 4:46 a.m. >>>
if you can, yes, have a try to linux. But this should work on Windows too.
it's been a long time since I haven't used MapServer on Windows, but I
remember having had problems with backslashes. Can you try doubling them
(ie C:\\ms4w\\Apache\\htdocs\\test.html)

Can you confirm it is still the exact same error (parsing error on line
1) ?

then, can you check your CR-LF as well ?

Hope that helps !


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