
Jukka: Unfortunately it is not even sending any requests when I change the
URL into "http://www.gonewacko.com/";; Of course this would not work, but
when I look at my packet sniffer (ethereal/wireshark) I don't even see
mapserver *attempting* to connect to gonewacko.com. In other words, even
when the URL does not feature basic authentication and it is not a https
URL, mapserver does not make any HTTP connections.

As for the advice given about the scale and the extent: The scale hints I
had forgotten to update after fiddling around with the various SRSes
available. I also feared that the extent would be the culprit. Unfortunately
I do not seem to understand the way the EXTENT works to find the proper
settings. But I'm taking another close look at whatever documentation I
might find (links to documents explaining the option in greater detail would
be appreciated ;)) in order to find out what the proper setting would be.

Thank you for the quick responses!

Best Regards,
Stijn Gijsen

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens
Verzonden: woensdag 11 juni 2008 13:11
Aan: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
Onderwerp: mapserver-users Digest, Vol 5, Issue 44

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: WMS Client setup not sending any requests (Rahkonen Jukka)
   2. Re: MapFile2XML conversion - WAS: mapObjectserialization in
      C# (variant) (Rahkonen Jukka)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:04:45 +0300
From: "Rahkonen Jukka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] WMS Client setup not sending any
To: <mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Sorry, I was wrong with supported projections for rasta100 layer.  EPSG:2393
is ok.  So the question is if basic authentication is supported or not.


        Ldhettdjd: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Puolesta Rahkonen Jukka
        Ldhetetty: 11. kesdkuuta 2008 12:51
        Vastaanottaja: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
        Aihe: Re: [mapserver-users] WMS Client setup not sending any
        Your first problem is that you are requesting layer rasta100 layer
in EPSG:2393, but it supports only EPSG:3067. But I am thinking that the
basic problem is that MapServer does not support connection over https with
basic authentication at all.  I started a thread named  "Cascading external
WMS using basic authentication over https" in January this year.  
        At that time Frank Warmerdam wrote:
        > Jukka,
        > I would be willing to implement this if you are willing to help
        > some research, RFC writing and testing.  In particular we need to 
        > isolate what extra curl options such as, but possibly not limited
        > userid and password we should be able to pass through.  Then we
        > write up an RFC based on doing this through layer metadata.  Then
        > once approved - I can implement and you could test.
        > As I think back, I realize the other time I did something like
this it 
        > was actually using a digital certificate rather than simple 
        > userid/password protection.  Ideally we would address both cases.
        > If this effort level exceeds the amount of effort you want to
        > then filing an enhancement ticket at least summarizing some of
        > ideas would be a good start.
        > PS. If implemented we would presumably do it in a way that applied
        > WFS and WMS client layers.
        It is good news for me if MapServer has made to support connection
in the way you are trying, thus( https://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
        -Jukka Rahkonen-

        Ldhettdjd: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Puolesta GoneWacko
        Ldhetetty: 11. kesdkuuta 2008 10:34
        Vastaanottaja: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
        Aihe: [mapserver-users] WMS Client setup not sending any requests



                I am currently working on a project where I'm trying to use
Mapserver as a WMS client, intending to have Mapserver handle the overlaying
of data for me. The WMS service I'm going to be using one licensed from the
National Land Survey of Finland.

                This server only supports HTTPS connections and requires
Basic Authorization to get data from the service. This may prove to be an
issue for me in the future, but at the moment I'm having (what I suspect to
be) a different problem.


                When I test my Map file, which to the best of my (currently
limited) knowledge of Mapserver, should work, I only get entirely white
images back from the mapserv binary. I've not yet figured out how to get
mapserv to do verbose logging, but the logging it does so far does not show
me what the issue might be.


                I've been trying to get it to work on linux, but then when
it didn't I tried it on my local windows machine as well. Both machines
display the same white image.


                The output of my mapserv -v invocations:

                On Linux:

                MapServer version 5.0.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG


                On Windows:

                MapServer version 5.0.2 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG



                The map file I'm using can be found at the following
location: http://www.gonewacko.com/work/finland.map

                For more information about the capabilities of the WMS
Server I'm trying to connect to, I've uploaded the results of a
GetCapabilities request here: http://gonewacko.com/work/GetCapabilities.xml
(Most of the text is in Finnish; Which I don't actually understand myself,
but luckily it's not too relevant).

                The URL I've been using to test it has usually just been

                My theories are

                                - The map has been set up in such a way that
mapserv finds it's not within the area I'm requesting, and as such does not
attempt to render it.

                                - The map has just been set up incorrectly
(most likely)


                Note that the only files I have are the map file. I do not
have any shape files or anything of that nature. And apart from the censored
login information in the URLs, the map file is available in its entirety.

                Also note that I've tried replacing the WMS URLs with
something that is not a https url (i.e. a normal http url), as well as
omitting the authorization data. It still wouldn't send a request to the


                Can anyone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks
in advance.


                Best Regards,

                Stijn Gijsen


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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 13:11:12 +0300
From: "Rahkonen Jukka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MAPSERVER-USERS] MapFile2XML conversion - WAS:
        mapObjectserialization in C# (variant)
To: <mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"


Oh no, please do not move to XML as the only alternative, at least not
without making a very-easy-to-use XML-Mapfile editor for mortals like me
with the same.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

> -----Alkuperdinen viesti-----
> Ldhettdjd: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Puolesta 
> Barend Kobben
> Ldhetetty: 11. kesdkuuta 2008 10:41
> Vastaanottaja: Bob Basques; mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
> Aihe: Re: [MAPSERVER-USERS] MapFile2XML conversion - WAS: 
> mapObjectserialization in C# (variant)
> Hi Bob,
> YES, by all means do move to XML. I think this would be a 
> very important step forward (and my first guess is it would 
> be not too complicated, but you never know...). 
> I do see how some might be attracted to having an DB storage 
> too, but I would urge you to always have that as an 
> alternative, not as instead-of:
> keep the main configuration mechanism (XML-)file based! In 
> many use cases there's no need for a DB and that would mean 
> you'd have tho have a DB plus all its hassle, only for the 
> configuration part. Also the current file-base config is 
> ideal in situations were many people need to work on the one 
> MS, such as in our educational setup, where we have many 
> students working on their own config files in their private 
> dirs, and they don't need to touch the 'main' MS setup on the server.
> Actually, what are your reasons for preferring an SQL 
> sdolution over the file based one...?
> --
> Barend Kvbben
> International Institute for Geo-Information Sciences and 
> Earth Observation (ITC) PO Box 6 7500AA Enschede, The Netherlands
> +31 (0)53 4874253
> On 10-06-08 20:30, "Bob Basques" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > All,
> >  
> > We've been pondering some sort of alternative to the 
> Mapfiles for a few years
> > now.  A preferable approach would be something that could 
> be stored in a DB in
> > some fashion for querying/assembly processes.  It seems on 
> the surface like a
> > DB schema could be developed to handle the MapFile storage aspects.
> >  
> > A first step would be in how to best approach moving into 
> an XML way of life
> > for the MapFiles.  Would it make any sense in the beginning 
> to just build a
> > MapFile2XML convertor (I would imagine this would be needed 
> before anyone
> > would sign up for XML) and once something like this is a 
> state close to
> > production, the innards of MapServer would then be made to 
> parse the XML
> > directly?  
> >  
> > Another approach might be to do something like MapFile2SQL 
> first, and then the
> > MapFile2XML.  This might save some time and seem like it would make
> > standardization easier, since it would need to be inside of 
> the DB fist.
> >  
> > Has anyone tried putting together any requirements list 
> along these lines at
> > all?  Is it going to be something where we just need to 
> jump in and build
> > something even if it might be a wrong approach to begin with?
> >  
> > This thread just got me thinking is all . . .you know how 
> dangerous that can
> > be . . . :c)
> >  
> > bobb
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >>>> "Tamas Szekeres" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > MapServer currently doesn`t support any other persitence
> > representation than the mapfiles. There have been some initial plans
> > related to an XML format in this list, but no one had any motivation
> > to implement that.
> > So I think the best what you can do at the moment is to use 
> reflection
> > to access the properties along with some other members of 
> the objects
> > and serialize the values manually.
> > 
> > Best regards,
> > 
> > Tamas
> > 
> > 
> > 2008/6/9 BrainDrain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> 
> >> Is there any 'standart' fast(!) way/method to serialize 
> (xml/json/other
> >> markup) mapObj in C#? I need it for using server mapObj as 
> JSON on rich
> >> client app running on browser. Look at my method (using 
> reflection):
> >> 
> >> public static ListDictionary PartialSerialize(object 
> instance, Stack
> >> callerTypes, Type[] excludeTypes)
> >>        {
> >>            ListDictionary result = new ListDictionary();
> >>            object val;
> >> 
> >>            callerTypes.Push(instance.GetType());
> >>            PropertyInfo[] pis = instance.GetType().GetProperties();
> >>            foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pis)
> >>            {
> >>                if (pi.PropertyType.IsSerializable &&
> >> !pi.PropertyType.IsArray)
> >>                    result[pi.Name] = pi.GetValue(instance, 
> new object[0]);
> >>                else
> >>                {
> >>                    //preventing useless nesting
> >>                    if (!callerTypes.Contains(pi.PropertyType) &&
> >> !((IList)excludeTypes).Contains(pi.PropertyType))
> >>                    {
> >>                        val = pi.GetValue(instance, new object[0]);
> >>                        if (val != null)
> >>                            result[pi.Name] = PartialSerialize(val,
> >> callerTypes, excludeTypes);
> >>                    }
> >>                }
> >>            }
> >>            callerTypes.Pop();
> >>            return result;
> >>        }
> >> ...
> >> So I can convert mapObj on serever to hashtable 
> automatically an then
> >> populate JSON object
> >> (still need to call explicitly getLayer, getClass etc., 
> but this is not a
> >> problem):
> >> ...
> >> layers[i].Properties = Tools.PartialSerialize(layer, new 
> Stack(), new
> >> Type[3] { typeof(mapObj), typeof(hashTableObj), typeof(colorObj)});
> >> ...
> >> classes[j].Properties = Tools.PartialSerialize(layerClass, 
> new Stack(), new
> >> Type[4] { typeof(layerObj), typeof(labelObj), typeof(hashTableObj),
> >> typeof(colorObj)});
> >> ...
> >> styles[k].Properties = Tools.PartialSerialize(classStyle, 
> new Stack(), new
> >> Type[2]{typeof(hashTableObj), typeof(colorObj)});
> >> ...
> >> mapStub.Properties = Tools.PartialSerialize(map, new 
> Stack(), new Type[11] {
> >> typeof(labelObj), typeof(hashTableObj), typeof(fontSetObj),
> >> typeof(labelCacheObj), typeof(outputFormatObj[]), 
> typeof(queryMapObj),
> >> typeof(referenceMapObj), typeof(scalebarObj), typeof(symbolSetObj),
> >> typeof(colorObj), typeof(legendObj)});
> >> ...
> >> JavaScriptSerializer class object allows to perform 
> convertion to client
> >> More often I use script method in my web service that can 
> do it behind the
> >> scenes.
> >> 
> >> How do you do such kind of operation?
> >> --
> >> View this message in context:
> >> 
> http://www.nabble.com/mapObject-serialization-in-C--%28variant
> %29-tp17739919p
> >> 17739919.html 
> >> Sent from the Mapserver - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> >> 
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> mapserver-users mailing list
> >> mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
> >> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapserver-users
> >> 
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