On Mon, Jul 21, orkun wrote:
> In addition to wkb_geometry, I also want to get "ogc_fid"
> using querybypoint.
> I am using this line in my map file. I am getting
> wkb_geometry but not ogc_fid
> DATA  "wkb_geometry FROM (select ogc_fid,wkb_geometry,cat from
> sheydene2) as foo using unique ogc_fid using SRID=32768
> what should I change in my map file to get ogc_fid ?

DATA  "wkb_geometry, ogc_fid FROM (select ogc_fid,wkb_geometry,cat from
sheydene2) as foo using unique ogc_fid using SRID=32768

... et nemo ex vobis interrogat me: »Quo vadis?«
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