Hello to everyone!

i have a problem in implementing the example i found in http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/howto/ogrmysql.
I want to project some points on the map.
I have created the .ovf file and the database i want to access with some appropriate data.
I have also created a user and granted it with all privileges.
(GRANT ALL ON 'dbase_name'.* to 'user'@localhost identified by 'password');

When i use command prompt to connect to mysql with ogrinfo.exe everything goes fine! (ogrinfo.exe -al MYSQL:my_db,user='user',password='password',host=localhost,port=3306,tables=points;). The results i get are information about the table contained in database and the contents of the selected table.

Next i run ogrinfo.exe -al /path/to/ovf_file.ovf and again i get the result i expected..
(except from the warning
"ERROR 4: Update access not supported fow VRT datasources
Had to open data source in read-only" which is fine according to the example!).

But when i use the .ovf file through the .map file ,and after a few seconds,i get the message :

 /Internal Server Error/

/The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request./

/Please contact the server administrator, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error./

/More information about this error may be available in the server error log./

Can anyone help me becuse i'm stuck with this.
Is it preferable to access mysql with php\mapscript instead?

And if yes,is there any informative tutorial???

Thank you in advance!
Nikos Papadakis.

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