Wim Blanken wrote:
Hello list,

I was trying to build mapserver 5.2 on Hostgis (slackware).

I downloaded proj.4 version 4.6.0 and build mapserver against it. I believe it has a problem with the dutch projection (28992).

Every other projection works ok but if I use 28992 mapserver complains about an unknown projection id. So it can find proj but cannot operate with 28992. The strange thing is that if I change the proj.4 settings for 28992 in the epsg file (I change sterea in stere) it works.

Does Proj.4 still operate with sterea or is this some kind of strange ‘slackware’ specific problem?


Reviewing the PROJ.4 changelog, it appears sterea projection was added in
4.4.9.   With recent PROJ.4 things seem to work ok for me:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] proj -I +init=epsg:28992
0 0
3d18'49.421"E   47d58'30.94"N

Perhaps there is a very old system libproj.so on your system that is getting
used instead of the newer one?

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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