No, I don't think mod_fcgi will change the performance profile much.
BTW, I think that the number of workers you should have is ncores + X
where 1 <= X <= 3, thereabouts.


On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Andrea Aime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Ramsey ha scritto:
>> Andrea,
>> You might want to try mod_fcgi instead, as it has received maintenance
>> and is targetted at Apache 2, whereas the original mod_fastcgi was
>> built for 1.3 and received a cursory upgrade to 2.
>> That said, I have not experienced your problem before.
> Ah, thanks a ton Paul. In the meantime I tried out
> the FastCgiServer directive, I made it create 20 processes
> and it works as advertised (actually my benchmarks show
> MapServer got damn faster than last year, way to go).
> Do you believe that trying out mod_fgci will give better
> result, or in any case more realistic ones? (not sure
> you'd want to keep 20 mapserver processes around statically,
> thought they don't seem to be eating that much memory).
> Cheers
> Andrea
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