You're basically describing "generalization" here.  I don't think mapscript has 
facilities for this, but you may be able to perform your own generalization on 
your shape objects.  Try a google on "Douglas-Peucker algorithm" and see what 
you find.  In some cases I think people simplify their polygons at various 
scales in advance and store them, then use the mapserver CLASS and 
MINSCALE/MAXSCALE in the mapfile to select which polygons to output.

Robert H.
Is it possible in Mapscript to display a map in lower "detail"? For example, I 
have a shape file whose boundary polygons are so detailed, that when viewed 
from a low zoom factor, the edges are not smooth because of lots of points in 
the boundaries. My objective is to display them with less detail (i.e. less 
points) so that the edges will be smooth, without effectively ruining the shape 
of the map.

If it is not built-in in Mapscript, do you know of a utility/algorithm that can 
do the above conversion?

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