
OK, try the interface now.
I really hate having to have all this security stuff in place.  I think I may 
have written myself into a hole with setting up permissions all the way down to 
the layer level.  :c)
Anyway,  I published the default layers as public now, so you should get any 
more Login window until you try to turn on one of the non-public layers.

>>> Brent Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I now get the username dialog when I try to turn on layers.

I think you will be able to get some improvement with the GRID Layer's LABEL 
POSITION settings, but in the end it will not be perfect.  To get a finer level 
of control over the GRID LABELs, we need to introduce some more map file 

Here's some of my notes from March (the last time we talked about this)

    Need concept of margin so phantom lines in margin not labeled

    Labels should be gapped relative to margin/neatline, not extent of output 
graphic file
        - gap should be user-settable parameter

    Text placement must take into account non-90 deg map rotation (must include 
dx and dy of text box)

So possible map file objects might be:

        WIDTH:    width specified in pixels (left, right, top, bottom?)
        SHAPE:    PROJECTED, GEOGRAPHIC (follows curved graticule lines)
        TRANSPARENCY: 0 - 100 %
    TICS: length in pixels (left, right, top, bottom?)
    NEATLINE: thickness, style
    ANNO:         GAP: in pixels from margin/neatline, or as mult of text size
    LABEL:         FORMAT:   deg/min/sec symbols, linear units
        STYLE:    sub/superscript (see USNG, or UTM labels on Canadian NTS 
        TRUNCATE: full/partials


And I have no idea how polar projection map GRID labels would be spec'd out.

That should get the creative juices flowing...


Bob Basques wrote:
> Brent,
> Sorry about that, I really need to get a test box for outside posting of 
> things.  :c)
> Here is a screenshot about what I'm talking about:
> Basically I want to align the labels along the edges.  I've tried a few 
> different things to fake it with some positive results, But nothing that 
> I can implement as a production piece because it needs some sort of 
> manual intervention in the final process.
> The entities are predefined lines as a SHP file that I'm labeling. Now 
> using the MapServer Grid Object I got this far:
> But even this is not getting me to the final destination.  There's not 
> much control on numbering and the process is fairly slow compared to 
> just labeling the lines.
> Any ideas?
> bobb
>> >> Brent Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bob,
>   I get a Username/Password request dialog from the URL...
> Brent Fraser
> Bob Basques wrote:
>>  All,
>>  in the following interface:
>>  The last two layers in the "US National Grid Layers" folder show a layer
>>  with lines Easting and Northing, that I want to label.  They label just
>>  fine, but I would like to align them along an edge of the view
>>  automatically, the ideal situation would be to have two labels on each 
>>  end of the lines along the edges of the view.
>>  We've tried using the GRID object, even going so modifying the source
>>  for GRID, you can see an example in the third to last layer above, "USNG
>>  via MapServer GRID" (Wait for it, it's kinda slow right now)  And just
>>  can't seem to get the output in any sort of usable result for printing.
>>  Question, anyone got any ideas about how to align those labels along the
>>  edges?
>>  Thanks
>>  bobb
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