Michael Schulz wrote:

I have a problem with gml reading/writing when used in an umn
mapserver environment: I have a mapserver WFS client layer, that is
not displayed when the getfeature response of the remote wfs-server
has too many featuretype attributes. If I reduce the number of
attributes in the featuretype the layer gets drawn correctly.
Apparently at a certain amount of attribute fields (>15 non-geometry
attributes) the layer is not drawn anymore.

The interesting thing is, that when the layer gets drawn, the .tmp.gml
and tmp.gfs files are created normally in mapservers tmp dir. When it
is not drawn only the .tmp.gml is present. I have tested it with an
older gdal/ogr version (1.3.2) but also with the latest (1.5.3) one.
When i run "ogr2ogr -f "GML" new.gml
umn_wfslayer_lot_of_attributes.tmp.gml " then new.gml and new.xsd are
created without problems.


I'm quite surprised.  So you are saying that ogr2ogr can read the GML
file but MapServer cannot?  Are you convinced that the new.gml is
correct?  Are you sure that your MapServer tests really used 1.3.2 and

I would be interested in testing with a GML file with "too many attributes
to read" with MapServer though if the commandline tools are working fine
against it there may be little I can learn.

Is it normal that the ogr gml reader/writer uses the older .gfs format
when used in mapserver environment and the .xsd format when invoked
from the command line?

Modern OGR versions create the .xsd when writing GML datasets in
a simplified GML profile.  But when reading foreign datasets a gfs
file is used to cache information on the GML schema, feature count,
and extents.  So, essentially this is normal behavior.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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