Roger: you can use MapScript WxS as an approach to run a 
WMS request via mapscript.  Maybe that can work for you?


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Roger André
Sent: Mon 08-Dec-08 16:21
To: Julien-Samuel Lacroix
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Difference in appearance between "mode=map" 
Hi Julien,

That makes sense, but it doesn't work.  I modified my mapfile so that I now
generate a 20_deg x 20_deg tile that is 600_pixels x 600_pixels.  If I
georeference that image using the extents, I still get incorrect placement.
Maybe if I choose an output projection which always has square pixels, like
spherical mercator (?) this will work.  I'll give it a shot.

Is there any way to give a WMS request via mapscript and NOT go through CGI?


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Julien-Samuel Lacroix <

> Hi,
> I guess would be that the WMS use non-square pixels. So if your BBOX x/y
>  (rectangle in your case) doesn't match you WIDTH/HEIGHT ratio (square in
> your case) the map will appear stretched. MapServer will actually stretch
> the map to fit the extent in the WIDTH/HEIGHT.
> The mode=map don't do that. If your extent doesn't have the same ratio, it
> adds some degree in your extent to fit the size.
> Make sure your BBOX and EXTENT are a square in your requests and retry
> Julien
> Roger André wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I think I'm having an instance of cranial flatulation, but maybe not.
>>  Hopefully you can set me straight.
>> I need to create an image with Mapserver using mapscript that I can then
>> georeference manually and use in another application.  It needs to look
>> exactly the same as the image I can already generate via a WMS call that
>> looks like this:
>> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/mapfiles/hydro/
>> &version=%221.1.1%22
>> &REQUEST=GetMap
>> &LAYERS=imagery
>> &STYLES=&BBOX=-125,39,-108,54
>> &WIDTH=600
>> &HEIGHT=600
>> &FORMAT=png
>> &SRS=epsg:4326
>> I'm testing my mapscript parameters using a simple "mode=map" call to
>> Mapserver, and the results I'm getting so far don't match the appearance of
>> the WMS output at all.  My mapfile has the following extent and projection
>> info in it:
>>    "init=epsg:4326"
>>  END
>>  EXTENT -125.0  39.0 -108.0  54.0
>>  SIZE 600 600
>> In addition to the mapfile projection specification, I am also specifying
>> the same projection info in each of my LAYERS as well.
>> Is it possible to do what I'm trying to accomplish here?
>> Thanks,
>> Roger
>> --
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> Julien-Samuel Lacroix
> Mapgears

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