Bob & Chris,

OpenLayers and GeoMOOSE are entirely non-competitive projects.  The OL is a 
library on which to build mapping interfaces such as GeoMOOSE.  Which is why 
we're using it for GeoMOOSE 2... it gets rid of a lot of the tedium of 
maintaining code for the more basic aspects of the application (like Zooming, 
Drawing, etc.). 

The real advantage to GeoMOOSE is the service model, and the litany of services 
we try to make easy to configure for users.  Out of the box GeoMOOSE is high 
customizable but also highly useful.  The goal is to provide an interface to 
mapserver that works WITHOUT any coding.  I want people to know ZERO 
javascript, php, or python, and still be able to use the web-mapping client.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Bob Basques <>
> To:;
> Cc:
> Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 11:13:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] sample ...
> Chris,
> The biggest piece I see GeoMoose contributing to, is the CGI calling methods. 
> GeoMoose makes extensive use of the ImageMap building and Query Mechanisms 
> available with MapServer, not just the image rendering.  Although the 
> stacking 
> of the images inside of the GeoMoose interface is and has been a novel way of 
> presenting the MapServer contructs (IMO).  OpenLayers does this as well to 
> some 
> degree, but I believe the GeoMoose interface provides a greater degree of end 
> user control.
> I'm interested in promoting more than just MapServer image rendering.  Using 
> Mapserver's CGI capabilities with a Client LIB is pretty much the way I've 
> used 
> MapServer since starting up with it over ten years ago.  The imagemap 
> (templating) and Query capabilities are just as important as the image 
> rendering.  The teaching reference below, was aimed squarely at the idea of 
> using MapServer via it's CGI calling structure, which I've always thought 
> should 
> be demo-ified in some location.  But since MapServer (and it's community) 
> hasn't 
> in the past had any particular interest in ratifying a client for use, I 
> never 
> pursued the idea.  But now, with that nice OpenLayers window on the MapServer 
> page, the sky's the limit so to speak, as far as setting up demos and 
> including 
> them in the MapServer site, or at least it seems like it should be.
> :c)
> bobb
> >>> Christopher Schmidt 01/14/09 10:37 AM >>>
> On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 09:21:38AM -0600, Bob Basques wrote:
> > All,
> > 
> > The only reason I brought it up at all, was that I was playing around 
> > with Openlayers myself this week.
> > 
> > I pretty much copied the "Demo" from the MapServer website.  Sounds like 
> > that was the wrong to go  :c)
> Absolutely. The demo on the MapServer site is using a layer that is
> generally not needed in any application -- at least not until you're
> looking for something that can be deployed without a MapServer 'server'
> in the mix.
> > Benefits of GeoMoose (Main ones) for the normal user.
> > 
> >    * Fast (because of MapServer tuning.).  Smaller footprint
> The dem on the MapServer main site seems pretty fast to me. Much faster
> than any non-cached demo I've seen. Are you saying that GeoMoose has
> tuned MapServer t such an extent that it is faster to render images than
> it is to serve pre-rendered tiles that demonstrate MapServer's rendering
> skills?
> >    * Handles many layers with ease.  The limit is the client hardware,
> >      and the control is given to the user as to how many to display.
> This is a GeoMoose benefit over other client software, but I don't see
> how it makes a better demo of MapServer's rendering capabilities.  
> >    * The publishing of the data can be distributed, down to the layer
> >      level, including the contents of the popups.  Each layer can be
> >      managed separately without consequence to the rest of the
> >      interface, if it breaks, only that layer is not available.
> This is a GeoMoose benefit over other client software, but I don't see
> how it makes a better demo of MapServer's rendering capabilities.  
> >    * More interface user Control, layer fading, on/off, stacking order,
> >      popup on/off.
> This is a GeoMoose benefit over other client software, but I don't see
> how it makes a better demo of MapServer's rendering capabilities.  
> >    * And it's all a client lib as well, just like Openlayers.  Closer
> >      than you think.
> This is a GeoMoose benefit over other client software, but I don't see
> how it makes a better demo of MapServer's rendering capabilities.  
> >    * If I had to teach MapServer request strategies, I would use
> >      MapServer + GeoMoose + Firebug to do it.  GeoMoose uses the CGI
> >      functionality for images, imagemaps, and querying.
> I don't knwo what you mean by this, so I can't comment on it.
> > Not that I'm trying to defend GeoMoose.  Just wanted to know how to join 
> > in on popularizing MapServer.
> GeoMoose has many advantages over other client software, if you are
> demonstrating client software. The MapServer homepage should be a quick,
> simple, easy to use demonstration of MapServer capabilties -- in this
> case, a pretty map. I can see an argument that the MapSerer homepage
> should use a static image instead, but I think that is a less effective
> demonstration of the pretty rendering. I do not think that changing from
> OpenLayers givves a better demonstration of *MapServer*'s rendering
> capabilties, and I can't imagine a more effective demo could be created
> against static content.
> > Also, I think our definitions of RESTful are slightly different.  I 
> > would say that GeoMoose is very (VERY)  ReSTfully designed.
> ReST is "Restructured Text", the format used by the MapServer
> documentation. 
> Regards,
> -- 
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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