gwaldron wrote:
I'm trying to use IMAGECOLOR to try to force all pixels of a certain color to
become fully transparent, but I am not having any luck getting it to work.

My output format it AGG/PNG, RGBA, TRANSPARENT ON.

I have a shapefile layer set to COLOR 0 50 100, and my map-level IMAGECOLOR
set to the same. I was hoping all the polys in the shapefile would render as
transparent pixels, but no luck; they just show up as blue polygons.

What am I doing wrong here? Thanks.

Transparency is tricky indeed. I always have to experiment with setting to get it to work. I should document it for my one good, next time I work it out. Which doesn't really help you, but you might try the following.

COLOR -1 -1 -1

or leaving the COLOR off totally on a polygon should prevent it from filling, You probably want to use OUTLINECOLOR to cause it to draw the polygon border.

Or are you trying to draw a color the will overwrite the pixels below it and make them transparent?

-Steve W
mapserver-users mailing list

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