Altough this is more PostgreSQL/PostGIS related and should go to there
list but I tried it and...
strange, I can not reproduce your problem. This is what I did:

create table swip3 (
  id int,
  zname varchar(20),
  pid int,
  geom geometry,
  rdate timestamp
insert into swip3 values ( 28, 'Zone 2', 607, geomfromewkb( decode(
'0101000020BB1000007ADFF8DA335161406551D845D17541C0', 'hex')),
'2009-02-12 13:30:00'::timestamp );

create table probe (
  int id,
  int logger_id
insert into probe values ( 607, 1 );

create table logger (
  int id,
  int client_id
insert into logger values ( 1, 120 );

SELECT * from swip3 WHERE (pid in (select from probe where
logger_id in (select id from logger where client_id=120)) and
rdate='2009-02-12 13:30:00') and (geom && setSRID( 'BOX3D(138.5356633
-34.9225467,138.5397151 -34.9184949)'::BOX3D,4283) );

 id | zname  | pid |                        geom
|        rdate        
 28 | Zone 2 | 607 | 0101000020BB1000007ADFF8DA335161406551D845D17541C0
| 2009-02-12 13:30:00
(1 Zeile)

So I believe this has really nothing to do with MS.
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