Hi guys,

we're using MapServer 5.2 with RedHat Enterprise Linux 5, Update 3. The
necessary packages (like gdal) are inserted from Fedora Core 6. That
works but the packages are somewhat outdated. So I tried to use those
from the EPEL channel instead but without success. After compiling MS it
segfaults because of the same problem discussed earlier on the list with
a conflict between librx headers and libraries (the segfault can be
avoided adding some bytes to sizeof(regex_t) in ms_regcomp() but with
the effect of ms_regexec() returning wrong results).
The servers are fed by a satellite server and have no direct access to a
separate repo. So does anyone use MS with RHEL5 and has a nice solution
for that? My personal solution would be to use Debian as on my test
server (where I never had problems compiling and using MS) but that's
not an option for the productive systems here :(
Andreas Eichner

mapserver-users mailing list

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