Thanks Tamas...
I found the problem...

The correct filter to postgis is :


On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Tamas Szekeres <> wrote:

> Then the filter is passed directly to the database in the SQL WHERE clause.
> You might want to enable logging the SQL statements at the server and see
> what gets executed when the layer is drawn.
> Best regards,
> Tamas
> 2009/4/6 Paul james <>
> Hi Tamas!
>> It´s a Postgis layer...And the extent is fine...
>> Any ideia?
>> Thanks
>> On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Tamas Szekeres <>wrote:
>>> Paul,
>>> Which data source are you using? It highly depends on the type of the
>>> data source how the filter is interpreted by mapserver.
>>> Are you sure there are matching features within the extent you have?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tamas
>>> 2009/4/3 Paul james <>
>>>>  Hello guys...
>>>> I got a problem...
>>>> My code :
>>>> ----
>>>> var _filter = "('[gid]'='10')";
>>>> var _layer = _map.MapObj.getLayerByName("X");
>>>> var _lC = _layer.clone();
>>>> _lC.setFilter(_filter);
>>>> = "Dummy";
>>>> _lC.status = 1;
>>>> _lC.getClass(0).getStyle(0).color.setRGB(0, 250, 250);
>>>> _lC.getClass(0).getStyle(0).outlinecolor.setRGB(0, 250, 0);
>>>> _map.MapObj.insertLayer(_lC, _map.MapObj.numlayers-1);
>>>> ....
>>>> -----
>>>> No error, but the filter layer doest appear... If I took of the filter
>>>> line, the layer shows up ok...
>>>> Any idea?
>>>> []´s
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