Hi Steve, hello Daniel

this was indeed the issue I encountered. Thanks very much for the fast reply. I'm now even able to run MS 5.4.0 final on our test system.

IMHO the suggested fix should make it into the 5.4.1 release. For the time being I will tweak our Fusion (1.06) Query.php. AFAIK the Fusion 2.0 beta also uses "query.qry". I'm not aware of any other extensions out there.

Thanks, again and best regards

On 22.04.2009, at 17:30, Steve Lime wrote:

Hi Dominik: The extension for queryfiles should be .qy not .qry. The .qy is what the CGI writes. I missed the fact the mapscript allows the user to specify
their own extension. Versions 5.2.2 and up enforce that. Argh...

How to fix. Couple of options:

 - tweak fusion to write queries using .qy as an extension
 - tweak MapServer to recognize .qry as a legitimate extension

To do the later you can edit mapquery.c, line 127 and change:

 if(msEvalRegex("\\.qy$", filename) != MS_TRUE) return MS_FAILURE;


if(msEvalRegex("\\.(qy|qry)$", filename) != MS_TRUE) return MS_FAILURE;

If I knew there were a couple of common extensions being used out there I could
update this pattern in 5.4.1.


Dominik Schmid <dominik.sch...@ilu.ch> 04/22/09 10:14 AM >>>
Hi list

once again I have to turn to the list as a last resort after having
depleted all possible solutions which I've come across. We're running
Mapserver/PHP/Mapscript/Fusion on a CentOS installation which we've
recently upgraded to 5.3. The upgrade has so far been successful
except for one problem:

When I compile Mapserver 5.2.2 or 5.4.0RC2 (with mapscript support)
against the updated libraries etc. the resulting mapserv works fine
(as far as tested) except when I select a feature (through the Fusion
web map application, all data is pulled from the postgres database) it
throws an error like:

msEvalRegex(): Regular expression error. String (/var/lib/php/session/
sess_49ef23ad8b84e/query.qry) failed expression test.

If I compile Mapserver 5.2.0 on the same upgraded system this works
fine as it had before on the original system (Centos 4.4).

I always used the correct php_mapscript.so and did a proper httpd

Originally I had GDAL 1.4 compiled on the system, tried with removal
and changing to the EPEL-Version (1.4.2) and after further failure
tried with removal (also removing librx) and compiling GDAL 1.6.0 from
source which didn't change a thing. I did this after reading some
threads on this list ( 

Some more version details:
- php 5.2.6 (from the C5-testing repo)
- postgresql 8.2.9 (from the C5-testing repo)
- postgis 1.3.1

Generally I tried to avoid the installation from turning into a
frankenbuild system but since the offical repos don't provide all our
needs I had to resort to rolling my own in some cases.

Any hint is greatly appreciated.

Best regards

Dominik Schmid
Dipl. Umweltnaturwissenschafter ETH

ilu AG
Zentralstrasse 2a
CH-8610 Uster

Tel: +41 44 / 944 55 56    (Direktwahl)
Tel: +41 44 / 944 55 55    (allgemein)
Fax: +41 44 / 944 55 66


mapserver-users mailing list

Dominik Schmid
Dipl. Umweltnaturwissenschafter ETH

ilu AG
Zentralstrasse 2a
CH-8610 Uster

Tel: +41 44 / 944 55 56    (Direktwahl)
Tel: +41 44 / 944 55 55    (allgemein)
Fax: +41 44 / 944 55 66


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