I'm running Mapserver 5.4.1, drawing data from PostGIS/PostgreSQL,
using WMS successfully with OpenLayers.  I have tried to configure
the same data as WFS, and am trying to debug using uDig.  Through
helpful advice from the udig-users list, I now question my use of
the gml_geometries and gml_[name]_type elements of the map file.
The WFS server how-to page mentions these elements and describes
how to write them but doesn't give strong guidance as to why one
would, or what the right sort of values should be.  So I ask here.

My WFS services are currently described at http://mrdata.usgs.gov/wfs.html

The map file for "active mines", a point data set, contains the code below.
In particular, I question my use of these two elements:
   "gml_geometries"                 "geometry"
   "gml_geometry_type"              "point"

Direction would be much appreciated!

... map and web elements precede the layer section, of course ...
 name "mineplant"
 connection "user=* password=* dbname=* host=* port="
 connectiontype postgis
 data "the_geom from (select 
 from mineplant g, mineplant_place p where p.idnum=g.idnum) as mine_info using unique 
 status on
 dump true
 type point
 tolerance 5
 labelitem "site_name"
 labelmaxscaledenom 500000
 classitem "commodity"
... a few class definitions ...
   "wms_title"                      "mineplant"
   "wms_abstract"                   "USGS Web Mapping Service:  Active mines and 
mineral plants in the US"
   "wms_keywordlist"                "mine sites; mineral resources"
   "wms_extent"                     "-165.0 24.0 -66.0 73.0"
   "wms_srs"                        "EPSG:4267 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326 EPSG:3395"
   "wms_feature_info_mime_type"     "text/html"
   "wms_attribution_onlineresource" "http://tin.er.usgs.gov/mineplant/";
   "wms_attribution_title"          "Active mines and mineral plants in the US"

   "gml_geometries"                 "geometry"
   "gml_geometry_type"              "point"
   "gml_featureid"                  "gid"

   "wfs_title"                      "mineplant"
   "wfs_abstract"                   "Mine plants and operations for commodities 
monitored by the Minerals Information Team of the USGS. Operations included are those considered 
active in 2003 and surveyed by the USGS."
   "wfs_keywordlist"                "mineral resources; mining and quarrying; mine 
   "wfs_metadataurl_type"           "FGDC"
   "wfs_metadataurl_format"         "XML"

Peter N. Schweitzer (MS 954, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA 20192)
(703) 648-6533  FAX: (703) 648-6252  email: pschweit...@usgs.gov
mapserver-users mailing list

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