Querying is controlled via the mode parameter. Mode=query does a point query 
returning at most 1 result in one layer. Mode=nquery allows you
to query multiple layers and return multiple results from either a point or a 
rect. MapServer looks at the various additional supplied parameters to 
decide whether to do a point or rect query.

For example, this url will drop a point through all queryable layers that have 
status DEFAULT (since I'm not explicitly turning anything on)


and this will do a bbox query:


You can turn layers on with the layer or layers parameters and can restrict 
queries to one layer (if necessary) using qlayer. 

  mode=query ~ queryByPoint with MS_SINGLE
  mode=nquery ~ queryByPoint with MS_MULTIPLE or queryByRect

The qlayer parameter has the effect of running the query methods on a layerObj 
while without it you're running on the whole mapObj.

Does this help?


>>> On 6/22/2009 at 4:02 PM, in message
<33fad6880906221402qde8375bj252c48b367d7e...@mail.gmail.com>, Paul james
<paulj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello guys, I pretty lost with CGI...
> Using mapscript, I can get query results with functions queryByPoint and
> queryByRect...
> How can I do that in CGI mode?
> Thanks
> Paul

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