
Look at pgRouting.


Adrian Popa wrote:
Hello everybody,

Sorry if this question is not specific to mapserver, but I was wondering if I could get some pointers on where to start with this problem.

So, I have a layer with street numbers for some cities, and I want to be able to display the route between 2 such points. I've done something similar in the past by using Boost (as a perl module) and loading the network as a graph and using Dijkstra algorithm to calculate the shortest path between 2 points. The problem is - the data I had clearly defined the nodes of the graph (vertexes) and the edges (links) between the nodes, so I was able to easily build the graph and interpret the results.
The data I have now looks like this (for a record):

 Name (String) = West St
 FromLeft (Integer) = 3
 ToLeft (Integer) = 5
 FromRight (Integer) = 12
 ToRight (Integer) = 32
 Link_ID (Real) =  588532637
 Judet (String) = TIMIS
 Localitate (String) = TIMISOARA
 L_PostCode (String) = 300609
 R_PostCode (String) = 300609
 Style = PEN(w:2px,c:#ff00ff,id:"mapinfo-pen-2.ogr-pen-0")
 LINESTRING (21.17921 45.751309999999997,21.18102 45.753790000000002)

The problem is I have lots of small links (street segments) but without an obvious way to link them together (maybe Link_ID is something useful - I'll look into it).

My question is: In your opinion - how is "routing" implemented on maps (e.g. on GPS receivers) - Do the maps have special information, or should I manage with what I have?

Any pointers are helpful, thanks


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