
the features you mention (turning on/off layers, changing order of layers) are for me more client side features than serverside- or mapserver-features - which brings us back to the client... ;-)

If you are looking for a free basemap you may check openstreetmap (OK, no aerial images so far, but also in progress: )

Regards, Till

Hi Till

I see the google maps tiles as a way of getting a free basemap. You are
properly right regarding distroted labels when reprojecting googlemaps -
depending on where you are in the world and the final projection. But at
least a pure sattelite image would ok.

I could make a client to consume both Mapserver and Googlemaps, but I would
like to do it on the server side and be able to use MapServer features, eg.
turning on/off layers, changing order of layers and so on.

Regards Niels-Peter

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Till Adams [] Sendt: 26. august 2009 09:21
Til: Niels-Peter Jensen
Emne: Re: SV: [mapserver-users] Mapserver consuming Google Maps


I really do not see the need for this.

All things, which are fun regarding Mapserver are not possible with GoogleMaps, e.g. reprojection or define your map layout in an easy way. Even if you would write some piece of code, which would enable mapserver getting that google tiles as a datasource you'll have at least a slower service than pure google and - if reprojecting the google stuff - you'll have "unreadable" maps with distorted labels.

So beside the fact Chris already mentioned - I think if you have a client, which is able to show Mapserver services AND google map services together, you're fine, or what is your intention?

Regards, Till

Yes, it could be a violation of terms, but not if the copyright notice and links still is there - or am I wrong on that ? At least, thats this is what the Openlayers community thinks. I think it would be a very nice if that could be accomplished with MapServer too.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Christopher Schmidt []
Sendt: 25. august 2009 17:14
Til: Niels-Peter Jensen
Emne: Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver consuming Google Maps

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 04:42:27PM +0200, Niels-Peter Jensen wrote:
Hi mapserver users

Does anybody know if there has been done work to let MapServer consume
Google maps ? I know that this is possible in OpenLayers (an example:, but with MapServer I can
only se it the other way around, MapeServer serving maps til a GoogleMaps
application by WMS.
Doing so would be a violation of the terms of use of Google Maps.


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Hinrich Paulsen, Till Adams

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