sunny74 schrieb:
> Hi Michael,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I had gone thru' the links you have given before making this post.But I am
> having the problems given in the link below:
> When using truetype I get the error probably bec' I am not able to specify
> the fontset file.
> So I need to know the following:
> 1) What kind of file is the fontset file?I think it is a text file

its just a textfile, yes

> 2) Where do I keep the fontset file - in the same folder as the map file or
> in different folder.If different folder how do I specify the path in the map
> file.

as you wish. You have to tell MapServer the place with the keywortd FONTSET.

> 3) Where do I keep the fonts? Is it okay if I keep it in the Windows Font
> Folder i.e C:/Windows/Fonts

yes, you can keep it there. MapServer needs read permissions to the
fonts. In the fonset file you can define the path.

> 4)How do I specify the path of the fonts in the fontset file?


Please have a look at


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