Hello again,

I've compiled mapserver with fast cgi support and I've installed fastcgi on my apache. All seems ok, but I'm not sure if mapserver runs as fastcgi! I followed the instructions from here: http://mapserver.org/optimization/fastcgi.html

Here's what I've added in the configuration:

in httpd.conf (Apache2):

LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.so

<IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
 AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
 FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fastcgi
FastCgiConfig -initial-env PROJ_LIB=/usr/share/proj -initial-env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/pgsql/lib -appConnTimeout 60 -idle-timeout 60 -init-start-delay 1 -minProcesses 2 -maxClassProcesses 30 -startDelay 5

When httpd restarts, I get in the logs that fastcgi starts ok:
[Wed Oct 21 15:43:04 2009] [notice] FastCGI: process manager initialized (pid 12570)

I think I should somehow link mapserv to fastcgi - because I see no obvious connection. The script handler is only for .fcgi, but mapserver's compilation didn't generate any fcgi files... It seems to me, mapserver still runs as a cgi process. If I list the running processes when there are no queries to the webserver, there is no mapserv process. When I list the processes while doing queries, there are several mapserv processes running.


Adrian Popa wrote:

I'm compiling mapserver with fast-cgi support and see how that works out.

Any idea if there is a difference in terms of speed if I make normal CGI queries vs WMS queries?


Pavel Iacovlev wrote:
Fast-cgi is one process that manages all your connections (acts more
like apache module) cgi creates a new process for every connection so
fast-cgi is faster and consumes less resources.
The best performance you should get with tilecache serving TMS(If it's
supported by your client, openlayers supports it), images are request
directly so there is almost no overhead

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:42 AM, Adrian Popa
<adrian_gh.p...@romtelecom.ro> wrote:
Hello, sorry for this noobie question, but I have been running mapserver as
a cgi process and sometimes I need to make lots of calls to it to get the
data I want. I have used TileCache to get the layers I need and which don't
change over time and it speeds things up considerably.

I was wondering - is it possible (and is it more efficient?) to run
mapserver as fast-cgi? Would it increase speed? The mapserver in the cgi-bin
directory is already a binary file - so I'm not sure if fast-cgi would do
any good.

Also, would I have any extra speed benefits if I make WMS queries instead of
regular cgi queries?

Thank you,

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