Sounds to me like you're version of MapServer does not contain GEOS support. 
It's required
for getArea() and toWKT().


>>> On 10/29/2009 at 11:50 PM, in message
<>, joel ml <>
> the code is java, version de mapserver 
> 5.2************************************************************************88
> 88import librerias.Xutil;import edu.umn.gis.mapscript.MS_SHAPE_TYPE;import 
> edu.umn.gis.mapscript.lineObj;import 
> edu.umn.gis.mapscript.mapscriptConstants;import 
> edu.umn.gis.mapscript.pointObj;import edu.umn.gis.mapscript.shapeObj;
> public class PruebasShapes {
>       /**      * @param args   */     public static void main(String[] args) 
> {                shapeObj s=new 
> shapeObj(MS_SHAPE_TYPE.MS_SHAPE_POLYGON.swigValue());         lineObj l=new 
> lineObj();            l.add(new pointObj(2,2,0));             l.add(new 
> pointObj(2,6,0));             s.add(l);               lineObj lx=new 
> lineObj();                               lx.add(new 
> pointObj(2,6,0));             lx.add(new pointObj(6,6,0));            
> s.add(lx);              lineObj ly=new 
> lineObj();                            ly.add(new pointObj(6,6,0));            
> ly.add(new 
> pointObj(6,2,0));             s.add(ly);              lineObj lz=new 
> lineObj();                            lz.add(new pointObj(6,2,0));            
> lz.add(new 
> pointObj(2,2,0));             s.add(lz);              s.setBounds();          
> Xutil.printConsola("area 
> "+s.getArea()+" num lines:"+s.getNumlines()+" WKT: 
> "+s.toWKT());         Xutil.printConsola(""+s.getLength()+" 
> "+s.getBounds().toString());  }
> }
> ***************************************************************************t
> he output:
> area -1.0 num lines:4 WKT: null-1.0 { 'minx': 2 , 'miny': 2 , 'maxx': 6 , 
> 'maxy': 6 
> }***************************************************************************
> Why the output is -1 and WKT=null?, where is the error?
>       Yahoo! Cocina
> Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina.

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