Hello everyone,

I am currently using a wrapper around mapserv which receives the URL parameters, builds the map file (actually I only need to set some filters in the map file, but the filters need to be built after running some SQL queries with the passed in parameters). After the map file is built, mapserv is called (as a shell script), and the map gets sent to the user. Currently this wrapper is written in perl - so it's not terribly fast as a cgi process.

While this approach works, it is terribly inefficient. I would like to use mapserv as a fcgi process (or something faster than plain cgi). My question is - how can I /should I build a wrapper around mapserv that can "customize" the MAP file on the fly and run as a fcgi process?

Any ideas on where I should start? An example of such a wrapper?

Also, I suspect I can send parameters to mapserver and use some sort of variables in the map file to set up my filters - but I haven't seen an example. Can someone point me to such a documentation?


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