The beauty of open source!

>>> On 11/9/2009 at 12:41 PM, in message
<>, Roger
<> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tom Gaskins <>
> Date: Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 9:52 AM
> Subject: Re: World Wind and Map Server
> To: Roger André <>
> Cc: David Collins <>
> Thanks Roger. On looking at this again this morning, the WMS spec
does say
> that a server-specific query string may be part of the server
> although we've not encountered that before. It still sounds to me,
> that a map is expected to be returned from a GetCapabilities
> Nevertheless, we'll modify the relevant WWJ code to recognize the
case of an
> existing query string in the server URL. That seems to be all you
need to
> get past the problem
> Thanks,
> Tom
> On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:34 AM, Roger André wrote:
> HI Tom,
> I've forwarded your response to the MapServer list, as the
implication is
> that MapServer may not be confirming to WMS spec in the structure of
> GetCapabilities request.  I can understand your confusion about the
> mentioned in my message.  This "map" has nothng to do with a GetMap
> request.  MapServer uses the concept of a "map" document to define a
> specific project.  These map documents contain all of the
specifications and
> parameters to define the capabilities and/or appearance a specific
> WMS, WFS, WCS, etc. layer.
> Anyhow, thanks for the info,
> Roger
> -- 
> On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Tom Gaskins <>
>> Roger, Thanks for clarifying, but I think I may still be confused.
>> defines two primary requests, GetCapabilities and GetMap. The first
>> requests the metadata associated with the server and each of the
layers it
>> serves. The second requests a map, always in the form of a raster.
>> your most recent mail, it seems you're expecting the GetCapabilities
>> to return a particular map. Is this correct? I'm also confused
because the
>> request you show that you'd like to specify to the demo's layer
>> doesn't meet the definition of a valid WMS end point, which should
be simply
>> a host address and not contain a query string (elements after the
>> mark). The query string is exclusively for WMS parameters, which the
>> demo fills in when sending the request. I've included the relevant
text from
>> the WMS spec below.
>> I can understand that mapserver may have its own request protocol,
but the
>> demo you're using is meant to work with only conforming WMS servers.
>> certainly possible for WWJ to visualize data from servers using
>> protocols, and many applications do that. We'd be more than happy to
>> you determine the best way to interact with mapserver. The demo
>> trying to use, though, isn't intended to to that.
>> Thanks,
>> Tom
>> *6.3.3 HTTP GET*
>> A Web Map Service shall support the "GET" method of the HTTP
protocol (IETF
>> RFC 2616).
>> An Online Resource URL intended for HTTP GET requests is in fact
only a URL
>> prefix to which additional parameters are appended in order to
construct a
>> valid Operation request. A URL prefix is defined in accordance with
>> 2396 as a string including, in order, the scheme ("http" or
>> Internet Protocol hostname or numeric address, optional port number,
>> mandatory question mark '?', and optional string comprising one or
>> server-specific parameters ending in an ampersand '&'. The prefix
>> the network address to which request messages are to be sent for a
>> particular operation on a particular server. Each operation may have
>> different prefix. Each prefix is entirely at the discretion of the
>> provider.
>> This International Standard defines how to construct a query part
that is
>> appended to the URL prefix in order to form a complete request
>> Every WMS operation has several mandatory or optional request
>> Each parameter has a defined name. Each parameter may have one or
more legal
>> values, which are either defined by this International Standard or
>> selected by the client based on service metadata. To formulate the
>> part of the URL, a client shall append the mandatory request
parameters, and
>> any desired optional parameters, as name/value pairs in the form
>> "name=value&" (parameter name, equals sign, parameter value,
ampersand). The
>> '&' is a separator between name/value pairs, and is therefore
optional after
>> the last pair in the request string.
>> When the HTTP GET method is used, the client-constructed query part
>> appended to the URL prefix defined by the server, and the resulting
>> URL is invoked as defined by HTTP (IETF RFC 2616).
>> Table 2 summarizes the components of an operation request URL when
>> is used.
>> *Table 2 — Structure of WMS request using HTTP GET*
>> *6.3.4 HTTP POST*
>> A Web Map Service may support the "POST" method of the HTTP protocol
>> RFC 2616).
>> An Online Resource URL intended for HTTP POST requests is a complete
>> (not merely a prefix as in the HTTP GET case) that is valid
according to
>> IETF RFC 2396 to which clients transmit request parameters in the
body of
>> the POST message. A WMS shall not require additional parameters to
>> appended to the URL in order to construct a valid target for the
>> request. When POST is used, the request message is formulated as an
>> document.
>> *URL Component*
>> *Description*

> ame%5B=value%5D&%7D%5D>
>> URL prefix of service operation. [ ] denotes 0 or 1 occurrence of
>> optional part; {} denotes 0 or more occurrences.
>> name=value&
>> One or more standard request parameter name/value pairs as defined
for each
>> operation by this International Standard.
>> On Nov 8, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Roger André wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> Problem is pretty simple to describe actually.  One of the
executives at my
>> company found this page,,
>> decided to try out the WMS Layer manager example, 

> .jnlp>.
>> He liked the various layers that were available, and asked me if it
would be
>> possible to view some of our MapServer WMS layers that I publish
>> internally.  We spent a couple hours trying to figure out what URL
>> needed, and finally determined that it needed a full GetCapabilities
>> This URL for MapServer look like this:
>>  "

> QUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=WMS&
>> ".
>> However, this URL does not work in WWJ.  When I checked the server
logs to
>> see whether WWJ was actually trying to connect to my WMS, I found
that the
>> request it sends is truncated, and looks like this:
>> - - [05/Nov/2009:09:51:37 -0800] "GET
>> HTTP/1.1" 200 539 "-" "Java/1.6.0_07".
>> As you can see, the "map" parameter, which is crucial for MapServer,
>> been completely stripped out of the request.  Without this,
>> "map=/var/www/mapfiles/precip/" paremeter, there is no way
>> MapServer to determine which map to serve.
>> Hope that helps,
>> Roger
>> --
>> On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Tom Gaskins <>
>>> Roger, I was sent a copy of your mapserver-list message describing
>>> problem you're having connecting to map server from WWJ. But the
>>> seems to be saying that you're entering a GetCapabilities URL and
>>> that to generate a GetMap request to the server. Would you please
tell me
>>> what the situation is and what you're trying to do. We almost never
>>> problems connecting to conforming WMS servers.
>>> Thanks
>>> Tom
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