Alans wrote:

Even Rouault wrote:

SRP driver has been added into GDAL SVN trunk a few months ago, so it will be part of the GDAL 1.7.0 release.

It does not seem to matter which version of GDAL I try, gdalinfo MyFile.IMG
always reports 'MyFile.IMG not recognised as a supported format'.
The most recent version of GDAL that I tried was gdal-svn-trunk-2009.12.14.
'gdalinfo --version' reports 'GDAL 1.7.0dev, released 2008/11/26'. Where
does this strange date come from?

'gdalinfo --formats' does list SRP as a supported format.
srpdataset.cpp is present in the frmts/adrg directory.

Just in case it is important, I had to configure GDAL with '--without
-libtool' to get it to build on my system (SLES 10).


I suspect there is something particular about your file(s) that is causing
problems for the driver, or perhaps you are missing some associated files.

Running gdalinfo with the --debug on switch might give some additional


  gdalinfo --debug on A2976101.IMG

If that doesn't give any help, I would be willing to look into the problem
if you can provide the data to me.  I would appreciate an opportunity to
examine the data if it may reflect an issue with the driver.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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