Hi Josh,

May you add the directive "debug 5" at the map and layer levels in your 
mapfile to see what sql query is executed. You may have to add the directive 
"CONFIG  "MS_ERRORFILE" "/tmp/mapserver.log"" to redirect the logs in a file.


On December 16, 2009 12:21:26 pm Josh Hevenor wrote:
> Error:
> I was adding new fields to an Oracle Spatial layer, now having 61 fields
> defined with
>     geom from (select * from spatialTable) using ...
> Process
>     $layer->qryByRect
>     $layer->open
>     For()
>         $res=$layer->getResult
>         $shp=$res->getShape    // Fails, line 637
> Error
>     Fatal error:  [MapServer Error]: msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape():
> Error: ORA-00936: missing expression
>     Query statement: SELECT field1, field2, field3,..., GEOM FROM
> (select * from spatialTable in <b>C:\MSMap\genQuery.php</b> on line 637;
> I feel this query is getting cut off.
> If I redefine the layer using some specific subset of fields my query
> works again
>     GEOM from (select field1, field2, ..., fieldX, geom from
> spatialTable)...    X < 61
> The code is old and has run solidly for a long time. The fields are
> new.  Is there a limit on the number of fields/query string length in
> PHP mapscript?  Any thoughts?
> Thanks in advance,
> Josh
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