On Wed, 10 Mar 2010 03:20:35 -0800, David Alda Fernandez de Lezea <da...@ikt.es> wrote:

 So, our doubts have to do with the following subjects:
 - Processor
 - RAM Memory
 - HDD (we know that has to be large, i.e. 1TB - 2TB)
 - Number of network adapters (is advisable to have more than one?)
- Which OS is best for MapServer, Linux or Windows 2003 (in terms of performance)
 - Other suggestions...

IMPORTANT: Take into account that this is going to be at PRODUCTION LEVEL.

I'm relatively new to MapServer so my experience is pretty limited. One of the tests we did was on a Dell Inspiron 8500 laptop that dual-booted Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop. On that machine our MapServer application ran about 14% faster on Linux than when running Windows. The limiting factor was CPU time.

Our production server has 4GB of RAM and runs Windows Server 2008 64-bit. It provides good performance for our MapServer application, but it is not under heavy load and our data-set is less than one-tenth the size of yours.

Multiple network connections sounds like a good plan to ensure that you can get data from your Oracle server quickly enough.

James Card
California CAD Solutions, Inc.
209-578-5580 - Voice
209-521-6493 - FAX
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