2010/3/27 Daniel Morissette <dmorisse...@mapgears.com>

> MapServer 5.4 introduced a new test to require that query files use the
> ".qy" extension, for security reasons.
> Try changing your code to use the .qy query file extension.
> Daniel
> Alexandre Trindade wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  After upgrade the MS4W 2.3.1 ( Mapserver 5.2.1 ) to  MS4W 3.0 ( MAPSERVER
>> 5.6.1 ) my aplication stop to run when try use the function LOADQUERY. Not
>> have message error, but the map not render image with selection. I'm note
>> that file (bin) generated by SAVEQUERY ( MS4W 2.3.1 )  is diferent to the
>> file(txt) generated in  MS4W 3.0. I searched for modifications in this
>> functions, but i'm not found.
>> The same aplication generated this two files with function savequery
>> run in MS4W 2.3.1 ( Mapserver 5.2.1 )
>> test.mapqy
>>         $X ÎüêJÀçm¡ ×Y=À ­4 Ý-HÀK !9™ô9À    ÿÿÿÿ
>> and
>> run in MS4W 3.0 ( MAPSERVER 5.6.1 )
>> test.mapqy
>> MapServer Query - Generated by msSaveQuery()
>> 0 5 6 -1
>> -1 -1 0 0
>> -1 -1 -1 -1
>> 23 -1 0
>> -1
>> 0
>> any suggenstions ?
>> --
>> Alexandre Trindade
>> Programador PHP
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> --
> Daniel Morissette
> http://www.mapgears.com/
> _______________________________________________
> mapserver-users mailing list
> mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
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 Thanks for reply my question. You're right, using the file extension .qy
solved this problem , really thanks.
But appears a new problem,  my routine accumulates results using successive
queryByIndex() and saves in query file for read later ( works fine in MS
5.2.1 ). However in the Mapserver 5.6.1 her saved only last queryindex

foreach ($shp as $indx)
        { @$this->mapa->querybyindex($indxlayer,-1,$indx,MS_TRUE); }

Is no longer possible using this method this way, or I'm not setting right?

best regards

Alexandre Trindade

Programador PHP
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